Ann Anovitz Associates

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Properties For Lease


Price /Sq Ft: $30.50/Sf Gross
Sq Footage: 2 Available
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Price /Sq Ft: Call for Details
Sq Footage: 36,282
Number of Floors: 5
Type of Construction: Brick & Timber
Transportation: CTA, Metra
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Price /Sq Ft: $17/SF MG
Sq Footage: 2,400
Number of Floors: 4
Type of Construction: Brick & concrete
Transportation: CTA, Metra
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Price /Sq Ft: $40-$45.00 sq. ft. MG
Sq Footage: 1,800 sq. ft.
Number of Floors: 3
Type of Construction: Brick & beam
Parking: Street
Transportation: CTA
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Number of Floors: 8
Type of Construction: Concrete
Parking: Street
Transportation: CTA El
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Price /Sq Ft: Negotiable
Number of Floors: 6 floors
Type of Construction: Brick & concrete
Parking: 8
Transportation: CTA, El
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Price /Sq Ft: $32.50
Sq Footage: 2200
Number of Floors: 1
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Price /Sq Ft: $40-$45.00 sq. ft. MG
Sq Footage: 1,800 sq. ft.
Number of Floors: 3
Type of Construction: Brick & beam
Parking: Street
Transportation: CTA
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Properties For Sale


Price /Sq Ft: Subject to Offer
Sq Footage: 9,500
Number of Floors: 4
Type of Construction: Brick & concrete
Transportation: CTA, Metra
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Price /Sq Ft: $1,700,000
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Price /Sq Ft: $5k/mo 5 year option $225,000
Sq Footage: 2300
Number of Floors: 2
Type of Construction: Concrete
Parking: Street
Transportation: Park Ridge
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Price /Sq Ft: $450,000 SOLD
Sq Footage: 1,580
Number of Floors: 1
Type of Construction: brick & concrete
Transportation: CTA, Metra
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Price /Sq Ft: $390,000
Sq Footage: 6,840 sq ft lot
Number of Floors: Multi-family (2-4 unit)
Year built: 1906
Type of Construction: Wood
Parking: 5 parking spaces
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Vacant Land

Price /Sq Ft: $2,200,000
Sq Footage: 5 Lots - 12,250 sf
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Properties Sold/Leased

Price /Sq Ft: $1,700,000
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Price /Sq Ft: $695,000
Sq Footage: SF: 4,593
Number of Floors: 4
Year built: 1930
Type of Construction: Brick & Stone
Parking: 3 Spots
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Price /Sq Ft: $1200/mo Gross
Sq Footage: 500 sf
Number of Floors: Suite 210
Type of Construction: Modern
Parking: Street Garage
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Price /Sq Ft: 1,199,000
Sq Footage: 3,933
Number of Floors: 3
Year built: 1911
Type of Construction: Brick, Stone
Parking: Street
Transportation: Public
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Price /Sq Ft: $875,000
Sq Footage: Lot Size 4,320 Sq. Ft.
Type of Construction: Vacant Land
Parking: Street
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Price /Sq Ft: $1,210,000
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